Registro Mercantil y Razón Social

Business Register and Trade Name

Inicio » Other Services » Business Register and Trade Name
A TRADE NAME is the name or signature whereby a collective, limited partnership or public limited trading company is made known.

To find out whether the trade name that you want to register already appears in the Business Register or not. It is important to bear in mind the practical tips* suggested by the Central Business Register prior to making the inquiry.

Registration in the Business Register

Simply by registering in the Business Register you are not protecting your Trademarks or Trade Name; you remain at the mercy of any carpetbagger or individual who takes advantage of the situation to register it with Industrial Property as their Trademark.
Corporate identity is protected by a combination of three rights:

Current regulations on Industrial Property do not recognise any rights of the users of unregistered trademarks, except the manifestly well-known use thereof; registration of the signs or symbols employed by any company is therefore essential if it is desired to be protected by the Law. In our blog you will find an explanatory article on Trade Name Property Rights

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COAPI | Colegio Oficial de Agentes de la Propiedad Industrial
Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid


Contact us

If you have any doubts or would like to receive further information, you can contact us at:

91 576 33 34 (Fax)

C/Nuñez de Balboa, 31 Madrid, 28001 España

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